Win at Tech & SDGs Photo Contest: WSIS, Switzerland 2020

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    • #1032

      EDU Matters

      Dear Educator, do you work with Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs ) by implementing them in your projects and teaching practices?

      Yes? Then this is a great opportunity for you! Become a part of a global event for educators, policymakers, ICTs and SDGs, and much more – the World Summit on the Information Society Forum 2020 and its WSIS Photo Contest!

      All you have to do is submit a photo/photos that showcase how you use ICTs in your projects and organizations to make a difference. Pick a photo or two and send upload them to the WSIS official website by February 3rd, 2020. 

      What happens if you win? ‘The three winning entries in the WSIS photo contest will be awarded and presented at the WSIS Forum 2020 in Geneva, Switzerland‘, – WSIS states.


      Have questions? Make a comment and we’ll be happy to answer! 

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