EduHarbor Team in Berlin at UN Internet Governance Forum Next Week!

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      EDU Matters

      This is happening! The IGF in Berlin just in a couple of days, and we will be there!
      Of course, we want to share all the top updates with you, global educators!
      But first, what is all the fuss about? Let’s see…

      Well, first of all, this is a forum for inclusive policy dialogue on shared principles, procedures, and programs that shape the evolution and use of the Internet.

      Second, it’s an annual forum, and this year’s theme is ‘One World. One Vision’. It resonates very well with our global community of educators and the vision we all share – making education better, equipping the next generations with the tools they need to succeed!

      And last but not least, at EduHarbor we are always looking forward to meeting the world’s experts, participating in discussions, networking, research sharing, and best practices sharing from around the world.

      They say that IGF is the place to start turning ideas into action. Let’s start together! 

      Stay tuned for the upcoming posts during the week!


      Margarita Lukavenko, Community Founder

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